Monday, September 12, 2016

More on Red vs. Blue or ( is a civil war is brewing?!)

Written September 12, 2016
I have been writing a blog since 2005, and I started writing this blog in 2010, when I realized that we needed to have some radical changes in our country. In the middle of what is essentially the beginning of a Red vs. Blue Civil war over the Presidency of the United States, I find myself thinking about two books that Orson Scott Card wrote in  2006. and 2009

Empire (2006) is a novel by Orson Scott Card. It tells the story of a possible second American Civil War, this time between the Right Wing and Left Wing in the near future. It is the first of the two books in The Empire duet, followed by Hidden Empire with the video game Shadow Complex bridging the two. (Wikipedia, of course).

The book follows A U.S. Army Special Forces officers, as America falls into a civil war after the assassinations of both the American President and Vice President. A radical leftist army calling itself the Progressive Restoration takes over New York City and declares itself the rightful government of the United States.

Can you say Right vs. Left?
Can you say “Donald vs. Hillary”?
Can you say, that, “the Donald” needs to be taken to task for his insinuation that someone with a gun that believes the second amendment should take his rival if he loses?

The concept of a Left vs. Right (Blue vs. Red) civil war is quite scary.

It brings me back to my top 10 list, that still isn’t completed.

One problem we have had, continue to have and WILL continue to have is the major discrepancies that occur because of race, income disparities, and a lack of opportunities for advancement in our country.

My 10 step plan covers and resolves these problems with the following programs:

  1. Federally paid (and locally run) day care starting at 6 months. First six months would be mandated as a paid tax credit for worker. These services would continue until school started and would include “head-start” type programs to help the under-advantaged.
  2. A national year of service (starting in 12 years: current K-12 children would be exempt). This program would start gradually (say a monthly hour for a kindergarten class at a nursing home), and would eventually prepare our next generation for their year of service, either military, non-military, or community service, depending on their interest.
  3. A national re-thinking of the “Eisenhower Highway System”, that would include new rail tracks along every national road (publicly owned, but interoperable with current rail system). This system would be built from ground up to be:
    • Green (including solar/wind generation)
    • Hyper Efficient/technological Advanced (think EZ-pass on steroids),
        • The system would be intelligent enough to pick up a trailer in California, and get it to Maine, without human intervention!
    • Able to transport ANYTHING (including oversized loads) that travels on the US highway system with, or without a driver (a Trailer, a Tractor/Trailer, or just a Boat, on way to it’s new home.
        • Would be able to accommodate autos, and regular passengers.
    • A public works and training project that will allow our middle class a new right to work, and the guarantee of a good paying job, the way we had in the 1950’s.
    • Extendable, so that truck warehouses would also eventually connect to this system
    • Interconnected with the existing rail system, but not owned by the current railroads.
    • A method to reduce the impact of Truck travel on our economy (and become more energy efficient in the process)..

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