Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Causes and Problems: Part 3: Ethical Abuses and Lapses in Washington

Just wanted to mention that I totally believe that Wall Street (the concept) is the bad guy.

I Say:

Yes, we made a big misteak by removing the Glass-Stengel act, and deregulating derivatives.

What is now going on is the politics of  "Scratch My Back, and I will Scratch yours".

Former Congressional aides are now lobbying for what I just heard as a tax holiday to repatriate tons of money currently outside of the country.

I think we have a HUGE ethics issue in Washington.   The revolving door of congressmen/aides into business and corporations as LOBBYISTS is 99% of the problems we have in this country.

We need a formal program, just like they had in South Africa, after Apartheid, a TRUTH and Reconciliation Commission.  It was quite successful there.  Your admitted your crime publicly, you testified, and admitted the ugly truth, and you got past that bad time in your life.

We need this and an internet only $250 per person max contribution to help fix our political system.

Hey... I started this blog after predicting in 2006 that we were entering into a huge downturn.
Now I just call it Depression 2.0...

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