Friday, August 12, 2011

Economy: It's Jobs, NOT the deficit (Depression 2.0 and HOOVER)

Are we that stupid? It's NOT the deficit, but the JOBs, growth, and the fact that LARGE banks (and multi-national corporations) are HOARDING their money, and NOT spending/lending their money.

I am amazed that NOT ONE single media outlet (I am an NPR-Head) has started to question whether this is a "double-dip" recession, or really a sign that we are in DEPRESSION 2.0.

Think about it.  In the "great depression", Herbert Hoover started to react to the 1929 stock crash by CUTTING the federal DEFICIT.

It took FDR (in 1932) almost 4 years, and some say till World War II, to fully get out of DEPRESSION 1.0.

I am sick.   This is absurd.   We need to EMULATE what FDR did to get us out of the first depression.

I am also tired of "pissin' into the wind", and getting wet...  Doesn't ANYONE else out there agree with the take that our economy is more important then getting rid of the deficits?

I can't believe that yesterday, the Iowa Republican Debate actually continued to bash the president.

If The Federal Reserve tells us that the country in going to be in the toilet at least until 2013, then we should realize that we need to make SOME changes.

WE NEED the upper 1% of this country to pay TAXES.   Not the 'nominal tax rate'.
We need a NEW "Minimum Millionaires Tax"

Make over 1million dollars GROSS (both businesses and individuals)?

You will pay a MINIMUM tax of 1% of your gross as a new MINIMUM  tax  Period.

NOT of your NET, but your GROSS income (and this would include income and dividends, so NO LOOPHOLES...)

That's a start to fix this.

PS: Look HERE:
for more on the tax and look HERE:
for more info on my top 10 list to FIX the economy and our society! (hence the name of my blog:

Oh, and the real start to get us out of this is the massive jobs project I say, expanding the Eisenhower thruway system... (see the top ten list...)

AND my answer for next week's MARKETPLACE contest...

I've predicted since 2006, that this is the SECOND Depression (and in a mock tribute to the tech economy, I labeled it DEPRESSION 2.0).

ps: this was written during the friday 8-12-11 'on the road' marketplace show...

1 comment:

Bianca Castafiore? said...

I am too tired (and **depressed**) at the moment to respond properly, but please believe me when I say that reading just the little I have of this blog has been refreshing. I am also amazed that this is not the common view, or that, at least, there isn't a cogent voice out there, speaking this sort of historical reason. We *have* been here before and FDR's bold plan of spending and work was a brilliant response. We still have only our fear to fear -- "...nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance." And, of course, we have the rich to tax! Anyway, I hope to be back to read more of your thoughts.