Monday, September 8, 2008

Topic of Week: This week: National Health Insurance (Single Payer!)

I'm really tired. I think that the Republican party should be ashamed of blocking Health Care in this country for 58 years (The First time was in 1950, when the Republicans in the US Senate blocked health care legislation.

Then in 1963, then in 1972, then in 1992.

I'm tired of Fighting. I concede. We will compromise. Single payer Nationalized Health care, phased in over 5-10 years (so drug and insurance companies don't fight this to the bitter end!)

Starting is very easy.
  1. Got a employer sponsored health plan? You stay there for now.
  2. Next: Expand Medicaid * in Every state to cover uninsured children.
  3. Next, families with dependents get enrolled.
  4. As this goes on, people without coverage that go to the hospital get enrolled too.
  5. finally single people are insured.
Now. Next plan is to converge/merge the hundreds/thousands of different/poor plans into a few standard plans that will cover the entire nation.

After that, the open enrollment period (similar to the period when federal employees can change plans) needs to be planned and expanded.

* (or medicare if you want)

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